Monday, March 31, 2008

Drink Up!

Exodus 17:1-7

“Strike the rock, and water will come gushing out. Then the people will be able to drink. So Moses struck the rock as he was told, and water gushed out as the elders looked on.” (Exodus 17:6b)

“All of them at the same spiritual food, and all of them drank the same spiritual water. For they drank from the spiritual rock that traveled with them, and that rock was Christ.” (I. Cor. 10:3-4)

Summer is quickly approaching us and many people will hit the rivers, ponds, and pools to be refreshed from the heat. Water brings refreshment to our bodies and it gives us life! Without it we would die!

Can I ask you when is the last time you drank from the river of life? How often to you “strike the rock” which is Christ and drink from His Spirit? Without His Spirit we will die? Many people are dry and thirsty and are in need of refreshing times. God is saying take the time and drink from the river! Drink from the fountain! Drink from His Spirit and you will never die! His fountain, His river, and His Spirit will never ever run dry!

Sunday, March 30, 2008

Reflection-Image is Everything

We will begin a new series this Wednesday night entitled, "Reflection-Image is Everything." It will be a teaching on Being made in the image of God and imitating Christ. Doors at the RD Center will be opened early so students can come shoot hoops and hang out before service which will begin at 6:55. Come for a time of dynamic worship led by our Revolution Band, prayer, life-changing teaching, and life with other students. See you Wednesday!

Monday, March 24, 2008

No E3 Service this week

There will be no E3 Service this week.

We will begin a new series next Wednesday April 2nd entitled, "Reflections-Image is Everything."

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Mystery Night turns into Nursing Home Outreach

We loaded up a bus full of Junior High Students and set off for our "Mystery Night" in which they had no idea where we were taking them. We ended up at a local Nursing Home to allow our students to be the hands and feet of Jesus. We had our students get into groups with their small group leaders and go door to door. I was so proud of the way our young people conducted themselves. Some prayed, some handed out things, and some even strolled a lady down the hall in her wheel chair. Wrapping up we all sang "Amazing Grace" for a small group of ladies that blessed thier souls.

Everytime we serve we have the opportunity to look like Christ. I saw alot of Jesus in a group of 6th, 7th, and 8th graders last night.

Our Senior High had an all out "Game Night" at the RD Center last night. Game Night was another big success and congratulations to Logan Baugh and the "Orange Team" in thier victory. Some may think "Game Nights" aren't very spiritual but I assure you they are. This is very much part of the Kingdom of God. Building community and relationships are everything!

I was proud of our team of youth worker volunteers who always go above and beyond!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Game Night/Mystery Night set for this Wednesday!

High School students will meet in the E3 Room at the RD Center for some short instructions then have an all out Game Night this Wednesday March 19th. This is a great time to build relationships with other students and youth workers. It's sure to be a blast!

All Junior High Students will need to sign in the info booth as they come in the RD Center. We will be leaving the property right at 7 PM to go away for a "Mystery Night". Junior High Students won't know where we are taking them but we will have them back at 8:15 PM.

Saddle UP!

Thursday, March 13, 2008

I wonder...

We just wrapped up a two week series entitled, "The Unseen World" and we've been talking alot about fighting the fight of faith. We spoke to our students last night concerning the full armor of God and how we are engaged in a daily spiritual battle. As I was praying in the E3 Room this morning I looked out and saw all the empty chairs left over from last night. Last night there were students in those chairs. Last night they were worshiping God, there was loud music, and young people that filled the room. This morning in the room it was much different. I was the only one in there-the room was quite and the chairs were empty. The truth is, those students went out into the battlefield. Some of their battlefields are at home. Some of their battlefields are in school, and some of their battlefields are very private. I couldn't help but ask myself, "I wonder if they really got it last night?" "I wonder if they took to heart what we talked to them about?" "I wonder that if today they applied to thier lives what we talked about last night?" "Did they put on their armor today and fight the fight of faith? I wonder?

"But don't just listen to God's word. You must do what it says. Otherwise, you are only fooling yourselves." (James 1:22)

Small Group Weekend!

Parents and Students!

This weekend is Small Group time for Family Church and E3! We now send out monthly small group calenders (in E3) so you will know when, where, and what time your small group is! If your not sure, please contact me or Dreamer Jowers to find out. If your not in a small group I encourage you to begin looking at being apart of one! They are GREAT!

Peace out and love you guys!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Tonight is Split Night!

What up all!?

Tonight is "Split Night" in E3. We will continue on our current series, "The Unseen World."
We will ALL (Junior and Senior High) meet in the E3 Room to worship first at 6:55 PM. Beck will be speaking to the Junior Higher's first as the High Schooler's go to breakout groups. Then Georgiana Tarantino will speak to the High Schooler's as the Junior Higher's go to their breakout groups.

C-ya tonight!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

New E3 Blog!

What's up everybody!

Welcome to the new E3 Blog site. This blog will keep you students and parents up to date on all the current events going on in E3. You are more than welcome to post any comments on any of the posts! Enjoy!